Most of your septic system will be buried below the ground, and this can make it difficult for a homeowner to recognize or identify when there is a problem occurring with it. In particular, the drainfield is one of the parts of the septic system that can cause substantial problems if it suffers a failure, but homeowners will often fail to recognize this threat.
Damage From Digging Too Close To The Drainfield
Whenever you are digging in your yard, being careful to stay away from the drainfield can reduce the chance of these buried pipes being damaged by the excavation work. Individuals may assume that this is only a serious threat if they are planning to dig extremely deep into the soil, but this is not the case as these components are often buried closer to the surface of the soil than people may assume. Marking the area where your drainfield is located may help you with remembering the location of this part of the septic system so that it can be fully avoided when you are digging.
Erosion Of The Ground Above The Drainfield
Being buried below the ground can improve the performance of the drainfield, but it can also help to protect it. When the drainfield is not covered by a sufficient amount of soil, it can be more vulnerable to freezing during the winter months due to the extremely cold temperatures that may occur. Excessive erosion of the soil covering the drainfield may also make it easier for odors to seep out and into the surrounding yard. If you notice that the soil in your yard near the drainfield is eroding, making improvements to better manage the runoff and adding supplemental soil to these areas can help to alleviate these problems.
Ruptured Pipes
A ruptured pipe in the drainfield can create problems for your property by reducing the ability of the drainfield to spread the water that it is draining over a larger area. This can result in septic water pooling in a fairly small area. In some cases, this may even be visible on the surface of the ground. In addition to creating strong unpleasant odors, these ruptures may also lead to the soil being contaminated, health problems for nearby plants, and even erosion issues. Repairing a ruptured drainfield line will require excavating the damaged section of the line so that it can be replaced. While this may be more disruptive than what a homeowner was hoping would be required, it will provide durable and lasting results.
For more information on septic tank drainfield repair, contact a professional near you.